Thursday, 1 August 2019

Update on Brexit

Now that we have a government preparing for a no deal Brexit it is perhaps appropriate to make some predictions of how this will affect United Kingdom.

It would seem almost certain that Scotland would decide to become independent of England and to remain in the European Union - with or without the approval of the Westminster Parliament. This would leave a hard border between England and Scotland for which absolutely no provision is being considered.

It is almost as likely that the Northern Irish would also leave the United Kingdom. They would have the option of joining the Irish Republic to form a united Ireland or to form a new union with the Scots. I would hesitate to predict which they would choose.

The Welsh would probably also wish to stay within the EU and decide either for independence on their own or perhaps also form a union of the Scots

This would leave England isolated and almost certainly severely economically and politically damaged. I would guess that within a few years they would apply to re-join the European Union - but that would not recreate the United Kingdom.

Is this what was voted for in the 2016 referendum?  I think not.

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